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Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 2 of 3

With Pelvic Close-Up Camera + Patient Monitor Camera

These are Lainey’s 1st Adult Movies EVER!

Lainey replies that it feels okay before the doctor goes in to retrieve the ball from inside of her. Realizing he doesn't have the extraction instrument, he uses his fingers to dig around inside of Lainey to retrieve the ball. She lets out another cry of pain just as the doctor extracts the ball from inside of her.

Grabbing a slightingly bigger ball, the doctor inserts it into Lainey, asking her how it feels. "Cold," she replies, as the doctor starts to manipulate the ball from the inside as well as push on her pelvic area from the outside, all while continuing to ask her how it feels.

Grabbing the most massive and final ball on the instrument tray, he performs a little sleight of hand before making it disappear inside of Lainey. He manipulates the ball inside of her to stimulate her G-spot. Lainey says that the largest ball is definitely positively impacting her G-spot, and she's beginning to feel the stimulation.

After retrieving the last ball from inside of her, the doctor uses a  long probe to measure her vaginal depth. He pushes it all the way in, asking Lainey if it can go any further, to which she quickly replies, "No."

With the probe all the way inside of Lainey's vagina, the doctor asks her to use her Kegel muscles to push it out at him. Wasting no time, it quickly slides out into the doctor's gloved hands. He reinserts the probe into her, asking her if it feels the same going in as it does coming out. He repeats this multiple times until she can give a definitive answer.

Satisfied that he has thoroughly evaluated her pelvic muscles, the doctor informs Lainey they will start the research with internal stimulation. Picking up a small vibrating probe, he puts a probe cover on it before inserting it inside of Lainey. With the probe inside of Lainey, the doctor asks the nurse to bring him some tape to make sure the probe will stay inside of their patient.

As part of the research, Doctor Tampa explains that they are looking to see how many times they can bring a patient to orgasm within an hour using external and internal stimulation. He turns on the device they just secured inside of Lainey, asking her how it feels before stating it's imperative she informs them every time an orgasm has been achieved. 

The doctor tells her that he will use the device on various settings along with other methods and reiterates that she needs to inform the staff every time she reaches climax. This will become especially important as the research goes on. She will be so stimulated that she may forget to tell them that she's had another orgasm!

The nurse retrieves the clipboard to take notes on their research as the doctor begins running it through the various settings. But before the nurse can grab her clipboard, Lainey achieves her first orgasm!

Doctor Tampa begins reading off Lainey's vitals while using the camera to document the orgasms as well. He switches the device onto another setting, and Lainey immediately begins tossing and turning on the table before telling the doctor she has achieved her second orgasm. 

The patient monitor starts to ding, informing the doctor and nurse that she is getting close to achieving her third orgasm!  Lainey begins to breathe deeply, trying to calm herself down from all the stimulation. The doctor, wanting to know which pulsating mode is currently active, pulls out a stethoscope and listens to her pelvic region for the vibration pattern. He tells the nurse to grab her stethoscope if she wants to listen.

Lainey informs them that she may have hit her fourth orgasm, but she's unsure. "This is why we have the camera recording you," he replies, "It makes it easier to count your orgasms after the fact."

The doctor takes the device back to its first setting before asking how it feels. He then steps through all the different modes, asking Lainey how much she enjoys each pattern when suddenly Lainey achieves her 5th orgasm!

There are a few patterns she doesn't enjoy, but it doesn't take her long to hit her sixth and seventh orgasm! Doctor Tampa continues to listen to her internally while explaining to the nurse how to tell if the patient's having orgasms just by watching the patient monitor.

Lainey asks the doctor and nurse if they can stop, to which the doctor tells her no, they can't. All of a sudden, she starts telling the doctor and nurse that she feels like she needs to stop, like seriously stop, so the doctor and nurse pull her off the table as she appears to be having a panic attack. 

They pull Lainey off the table and have her take a seat. The doctor takes off his lab coat, putting it onto Lainey, trying to help warm her up and comfort her. She begins to break down and cry as the doctor and nurse continue to comfort her.

As they continue to comfort Lainey, Doctor Tampa apologizes and tells her he didn't realize she was about to have a panic attack. While completing the research is essential, making sure the patient is in good health and can complete the study is the most critical aspect. Lainey asks if they can take a  bathroom break, which the doctor agrees they certainly can, removing her from the exam room to help her calm down.

Eventually, they return from their break.  While on break, Lainey informs the doctor that the panic attack was onset by being made to orgasm in front of a woman, which is something she's never done before. The doctor tells her he certainly understands. The nurse doesn't take it personally, so they will continue the research without the nurse's assistance.

Doctor Tampa helps Lainey back onto the table, wires her up to the patient monitor, and puts her legs securely into the stirrups. Lainey can't help but touch herself a little bit as the doctor straps her back into the table and resumes his research on her naked body. He informs her that he will be using another vibrating device internally, which is more powerful than the previous one.

Asking if she's been with another woman, Lainey tells the doctor that she has not. The doctor says he can sympathize, knowing he couldn't be brought to orgasm in front of a bunch of men! Turning the internal probe on, Lainey can hear it come to life because it's such a much more powerful device.

The doctor begins discussing how they were working towards achieving orgasm number 8. He takes notes on how she likes the device before switching it onto different, even more powerful settings!

Within a minute, Lainey hits orgasm number 8! Doctor Tampa leaves the device on the same setting to see how quickly they can achieve number 9. While he waits on number 9, he moves the camera between her legs, trying to document a better view of Lainey's vagina as it contracts from the stimulation. After only another minute or two, Lainey achieves orgasm number 9!

Model: Doctor Tampa, Lainey, Nurse Lilith Rose

Posted: Mon, 17 August 2020  Views: 2889

Series: Orgasm Research, Inc.

Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 1 of 3

Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 1 of 3

Model: Doctor Tampa, Lainey, Nurse Lilith Rose
Posted: Fri, 14 Aug 2020
Length: 29:46   Views: 27,418

Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 2 of 3

Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 2 of 3

Model: Doctor Tampa, Lainey, Nurse Lilith Rose
Posted: Mon, 17 Aug 2020
Length: 28:51   Views: 26,004

Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 3 of 3

Orgasm Research, Inc. - Lainey - Part 3 of 3

Model: Doctor Tampa, Lainey, Nurse Lilith Rose
Posted: Fri, 21 Aug 2020
Length: 29:48   Views: 29,756
